What Is Technical Translation and What Are the Benefits

The need for technical translation has increased as more and more organisations expand their products and services to new locations and territories. With this globalisation comes the need for localisation of technical documents.

When the topic of technical translation is mentioned, a lot of questions are raised.  Questions like:

What is technical translation?

Who is a technical translator?

What is a technical document?

What is technical terminology?

Why is technical translation important?

Who can I trust with my technical translation needs?

These and more will be answered in this article.


What is Technical Translation?

Technical translation is a type of professional translation that entails the translation of technical documents such as owner’s manuals, user guides, and so on. More specific technical documents include texts that deal with the practical application of scientific and technological information, or documents that pertain to technological topics. Technical translation involves the translation of a wide range of specialised writings and necessitates a deep understanding of the subject matter as well as mastery of the applicable jargon and writing conventions.

Technical translation, in its broadest sense, is the translation of texts dealing with scientific and technical subjects.

A technical translator is required for technical translation. A qualified technical translator understands the subject matter and terminologies of that niche in both the source and in the target languages.



What is Technical Terminology?

Technical Terminology is a word or phrase with a specialised meaning that is limited to a specific field. The meaning in this case may not always be the same as the meaning in common usage.

It is necessary for technical translation to make use of technical terminologies correctly and consistently. This is why comprehensive terminology management is essential when translating technical content.

When working with a professional technical translation provider like 5 Star, you can send us your company’s style guides and official vocabularies, and we’ll create specific terminology to ensure that the correct phrase is used throughout your content and subsequent works.

Although establishing terminology can take time and money, the initial investment will pay off in the long run since it ensures consistency, reduces rework, can help to shorten timeframes during tight deadlines, and lowers the overall cost of translation over time

How Much Does Technical Translation Cost?

Technical translation can be more expensive and take longer than regular business translation. The  cost and time will be determined by the project’s level of scientific or technical knowledge. Other factors include the availability of specialised translators in the appropriate language pair, and the demand for those translators.


What Can We Translate?

Technical translation is required for a wide range of materials. The types of documents that require technical translation specialists include glossary of term, owner manuals, product specifications, technical specifications, manuals, catalogues, patents, product sheets, scientific reports, technical, proposals, user manuals, white papers, tender documentation, etc.

We look at a few technical documents below:


A thorough understanding of the industry, particularly the patented product, is required for patent writing and translation. Patents must meet both legal and practical standards. The material usually covers the broad claims of a patented product, but not much information is revealed in explaining how the product works.

A patent’s scope can be limited if too much information is revealed. To meet the criteria of the firm or person seeking for the patent, a technical translator with experience working with patents is required. Patent translation, in other words, is a combination of knowledge, abilities, and creativity.

Scientific, Engineering, and Technical Articles

Delving into the area of scientific, technical, and engineering article translations presents translators with a unique set of challenges. For starters, thorough knowledge of the field and an awareness of the terminology is required. It is not enough to be proficient in both the source and target languages; a translator must also have a strong background in the topic, as these pieces must meet strict criteria in order to be published in journals and news media.


Why Is Technical Translation Important?

Technical translation services are essential since they ensure that your documentation is of high quality. All industries, from healthcare to real estate, require this.

When it comes to complying with local and international standards, technical documentation is required. These documents, which range from patents to user manuals to health and safety regulations, are proof of accuracy for every operation and business procedure.

You risk losing business opportunities or worse if you don’t have the required paperwork. Investing in high-quality translations for your technical documents ensures that your organisation is protected.

At the same time, it’s a great method to demonstrate your professionalism to clients, employees, and business partners.

A competent translation demonstrates that you care about the people you work with enough to provide them with accurate information in their native languages


Getting the Best Technical Translation

Technical translation requires competence and experience. Rather than looking for available English to French or French to English technical translators, the best option is to use a professional translation service like 5Star translation.

At 5Star Translations, we guarantee the quality and precision of our technical translations. Our professional and client-focused translation business is essential for getting the best technical translation services with the highest quality and accuracy.

Our technical translation services can meet any requirements of our clients. Our translators are picked for their exceptional linguistic abilities as well as their sector expertise. Reach out to us today.

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